W ostatni weekend odbyły się uroczystości związane z 78. rocznicą Obrony Wizny, jednej z ciekawszych bitew Kampanii Wrześniowej w 1939 roku.
Upamiętnili ją także hodowcy z oddziału Łomża, co możecie zobaczyć w poniższym filmie. Ku pamięci poległym wypuszczono ponad 1000 gołębi pocztowych z kabiny. Akcja filmu od 10:35.

a siłami niemieckimi gen. Heinza Guderiana
stała się jednym z najbardziej bohaterskich,
lecz i najmniej znanych epizodów II wojny światowej.
Więcej o Obronie Wizny znajdziecie pod tym linkiem (kliknij)
Takie akcje jak ta to zarazem oddanie hołdu poległym jak również promocja naszego sportu.
Miejmy nadzieję, że w ich ślady pójdą inne sekcje i oddziały.
It was also commemorated by breeders from the Lomza branch, from the Wizna section, which you can see in the following film. The pigeons were released from the cabins to the memory of the dead. Action of the film from 10:35.
The Battle of Wizna was fought between September 7 and September 10, 1939, between the forces of Poland and Germany during the initial stages of Invasion of Poland. According to Polish historian Leszek Moczulski, between 350 and 720 Poles defended a fortified line for three days against more than 40,000 Germans. Although defeat was inevitable, the Polish defence stalled the attacking forces for three days and postponed the encirclement of Independent Operational Group Narew fighting nearby. Eventually the tanks broke through the Polish line and German engineers eliminated all the bunkers one by one. The last bunker surrendered around midday on September 10.
More about the Wizna Defense can be found under this link (click here)
Congratulations and greetings of the breeders who took part in the celebrations. Perhaps they are looking here? :
Actions such as this one are also paying tribute to the fallen as well as the promotion of our sport.
Let us hope that other sections and branches will follow suit.
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